Nordstrom's Sanitation LLC
Garbage Collection Services
3 generations of family-owned garbage service...moving forward to better serve YOU!
Nordstrom's Sanitation has been in operation for 64 years. It started with Dale's father, Richard Nordstrom. It was established in 1955, Dale was 8 years old. They used to haul the garbage by flatbed truck with sides. He worked alone but had his sons, Dale and Dennis working with him. They took it over in 1963, after awhile Dennis was drafted into the Navy and Dale ran the company on his own. Dennis found a new path and Dale had already found his. The worst thing that Dale has ever encountered were rats! That is the one thing that bothered him, many years ago there were so many in the area. Luckily today they are far and few between. He put his everything into this business and if you want to hear some stories from the past he has a plethora of them. We are very fortunate to have all that wisdom and experience in the family. Lance remembers working with him about the same age that Dale started working with his father. It is a family tradition passed down through the ages. Cheers to many more years in the family.